Full-Service Communications Consultancy

Ready To Get The Coverage Your Brand Deserves?

Tired of seeing other brands in your industry featured in national media outlets while you struggle to get a blog post? Let’s change that and get you pitch ready.

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Does this sound like you?

  • I work with business owners to identify their why, share their story, secure coverage in top media outlets and partner with brands to make an impact.

  • I work with communication professionals to refine and resharpen their skills in order to bring in clients and get results.

Then keep scrolling!

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Life’s A Pitch is a 6-week accelerator for small business owners and communications professionals who want to raise their brand visibility, establish credibility and attract their ideal customers.


Here’s What Former Students Had To Say:

“Tequilla always looks for ways she can be of service and value to Black women especially.”

“You are unswervingly dedicated to her clients. Consistent with her clientele.”

“She does the work.”

“Tequilla is your professional big sister. Making sure you are acknowledged for your work.”

“She is a trailblazer with a voice we all need to hear.”

“Sis will tell you the truth and nothing but the truth.”


 Why Should I Sign Up?

What could your business look like completing the Life’s A Pitch course? You're continuing to think of marketing as an afterthought and it’s time to make it a priority. 

This could be your before and after:


❌ Your brand tried getting buzz for your business but isn’t clear on your mission, audience, and what makes you special.

❌ Your brand has been featured in local news outlets and blogs without an increase in traffic to your site or social pages.

❌ You struggle to retain clients and the ones you do have aren’t satisfied with your results. Your pitches don’t get bites and you struggle to secure opportunities for your clients.


✅ You have established messaging, talking points, brand story, target audience and can clearly communicate your unique value to your audience.

✅ Your brand has been featured in national media outlets, you have been booked for speaking engagements establishing you as an expert in your industry, you have increased traffic to your brand website and social platforms, partnered with brands to amplify campaigns, and are nominated for industry awards.

✅ You have a steady stream of inquiries coming in from prospective clients who see your value and want that for themselves. Your pitches are landing and you are booking your clients for brand partners that get them the visibility.


What Should I Expect?

In this 6-week intensive course you will learn how to prepare your foundational materials ahead of crafting your pitch, what your why is and how to effectively tell your story to the media, how to build your customized media list, pitch the media and amplify that coverage. 


📝Pitch templates 

📓Comprehensive workbook

🤝Access to an always-on Private FB group to build community 

🤳6 weeks of live support 

✨1:1 coaching session 

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What Is The Investment?

Total investment for the program:

$2,497 PIF (paid in full)

This option includes a one hour 1:1 VIP session with me at the end of the program 


$3,000 Payment Plan Option

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Get Your Brand Pitch Perfect! 

With years of experience building brands and helping them to amplify their impact, I bring real-world experience and a results-driven strategic mind to this 6-week intensive course. Sign up below to get on the waitlist!